Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Finally, something about the garden

I do realise that, of late, my posts have become more sporadic, and I've diversified into a spot of citizen journalism - well an attempt at it, anyway. All this at the expense of any substantial post about the garden.

The thing about my kind of gardening though, is that it's a great deal of slow burn. So it's quite possible for there to be no news for days on end. Although I learned last week that if I take my eyes off it for too long, then pests descend.

Anyway. I don't really have any substantial news. Just some photos of the products of our hard work, and one showing you the aforementioned garden insurgents. Brownie points to anyone who can tell me what exactly they are, and more importantly, how I can get rid of them.



Steve said...

Karen and I think it's blackfly... what you need are some ladybirds but they're damned hard to train!

greenfingers said...

Thanks for the advice mate - I will look into some kind of ladybird luring device...

hope all is well with you and yours and the little one!

Steve said...

Everything fine... Karen and I both have the day off today so we're going to have a "day date" and do something nice together (part of which will involve watching Ben read in his class assembly).

Hope all is well with you and yours too... love to everyone.